How to start a car when it’s cold

The weather cold can make it very difficult, or impossible, the power switch on your car. Take some preventative measures can keep your car ready to fire at any time. When temperatures drop, follow these steps to turn your car in climates cold.

Keep your car in a garage, if possible. Keep your car with a cover can reduce the effects of snow and extreme temperatures.

Put the key in the ignition and try starting the car, if not start in 5 seconds, and wait for one minute before trying again. If your car is not fuel injection, you pump the throttle a few times before trying to turn.

Make sure the battery of your car is new and you are full. An old and weak battery has the power required to start a car in cold weather.

Apply heat in the engine compartment of the car, using a flow heater designed to heat engine compartments of cars. This will heat the fluid in the engine and make the car easier to start.

Let the car sit in the neutral position after starting. The fuel needs time to warm up before you can drive, start driving the car immediately after the power can damage the motor.