Diagnosing problems with the radiator of a car

Problems with radiator car can occur for a variety of reasons. The radiator cooling motor controls, it is important to make sure the radiator is working properly. A radiator is not functioning normally can cause serious engine damage. Before changing anything, however, it is necessary to diagnose problems radiator.


  1. Open the hood of your vehicle and make a visual inspection of the metal fins of the radiator. The heat dissipating fins. If they are bent, then you have to replace the radiator. Also check for signs of corrosion. This is also an indication that the heater needs replacement.
  2. Turn the engine. Visually inspect the radiator leaks. Any green liquid leaving the radiator engine coolant and is an indication that the radiator needs to be replaced.
  3. Check the temperature of the motor. It controls engine temperature over a period of 15-30 minutes. If the temperature gauge needle moves water past the middle mark of the temperature gauge, it indicates that there is not enough coolant flowing through the coolant system or that cannot flow properly through the system. This can sometimes be caused by the oxide radiator circulating through the engine cooling ducts and get stuck in the cooling channels. You’ll have to clean the radiator and the system immediately.
  4. Check chipped or cracked radiator hoses. Radiator hoses at the top and bottom of the radiator of a vehicle are a critical component of the radiator. Bulging or rotted hoses need to be replaced.