How to maintain ABS brakes

The use of ABS brakes is increasingly widespread operations and maintenance, as well as conventional ones, is essential for proper operation of this system is the key to ensuring the safety of the occupants of the car. This work has similarities with the maintenance of traditional braces, but also some peculiarities.

Balanced braking

In conventional brakes, this test can be done on the road, just checking the car reduces speed when stepped on. However, in the case of ABS is required to use a tool: the brake testers.

A measuring system can detect if there is deformation of the drum or adjustment failure of shoes depending on the response of the wheels.


This maintenance is performed in the same way the ABS brakes in traditional. In this article you can read how to bleed brake blocks. In the case of hydraulic module is damaged, there is no way to fix it, the only option is to replace it again.

Check electrical circuits

The ABS brakes have a self-diagnostic system that has an indicator light that alerts when a problem occurs. Have to worry when after starting the car, the signal stays on. In this case, you have to go to a workshop, which provide appropriate staff and to locate the error source tools.

If you look after the tires and shock absorbers of the car, you will also be contributing to a good brake maintenance ABS, because if the above elements are in good condition, the system will need to enter more times the desired operation.