How to clean the terminals of your car battery

Is common with the passage of time, the battery terminals have our vehicle look bad or make poor contact. This is usually because the metal terminals are sulfated.

A battery terminal with dirt or sulfated can hinder and even prevent our car boot. The first thing we do is get the car off and take out the battery terminals to confirm they are sulfated or dirty.

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How to clean leather car seats

Today, many people opt for the leather upholstery for the interior of your vehicle, since it provides a more elegant and sophisticated look. Now, to keep spotless and in good condition this type of upholstery, it is imperative to consider specific care to be served to achieve a perfect finish.

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How to clean cloth car seats

Clean fabric seat car will help along with a general cleaning of the vehicle to prevent odors due to accumulated dirt or stains that were not removed in time. You can do the same with products that you already have at home, but you can also buy specific cleaners.

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Keys to understanding the maintenance of a vehicle mileage

Every driver knows that when a vehicle reaches a certain mileage, you should take your car to a dealership to browse, shop or place authorized to perform certain checks. The problem is that many forget, exposing themselves and other agents of the way to having a traffic accident caused by mechanical failure or pay large sums of money to fix parts that could be changed in advance.

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GPS and AVL Cutting edge technology for your vehicle

Have devices in your car that you provide as precise as knowing the place where you are or the exact time it takes you to move from one place to another is no longer own fantasy of Hollywood directors information. In Colombia, every day there are more developments of this type, who manage the driver to have a better and safer experience to handle your vehicle.

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A shock devalues the price of my car?

It is inevitable that when we collide or give a blow to our vehicle, this will have consequences not only in time but that nasty in their immediate future. We think there is no turning back, our car no longer has the same value and that, sell it, we have to negotiate a much lower price than we had planned.

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Brakes: history

When we buy a car, all, or almost all, you look closely in many respects: its design, its color, its power, its breadth, its comfortable leather-seats or luxury wheels … We look up to detail of our acquisition before finally driving through the streets of our city.

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