My car will not start, what do I do?

Sounds like a horror scene: open the door, you sit behind the wheel, turn the key on and suddenly you realize that your car will not start!

You try everything. You despair. You try to turn it back on. “You stick” clutch and throttle.. Wondering if the petrol is? Does the battery is good? Is it an electrical problem? Is it something serious? You try again. You hear the muffled sound of the car, that it prevents it on, as usual, no problem. Not find any cause or any solution.

You try to “turn it pushed” with the help of some people who walk by. Nothing seems to work. You look back to the engine what’s going on? The answers can be many.

For any vehicle turn, must function properly the elements belonging to the “Triangle of Fire”: air, fuel and power for trucks with gasoline engine and air temperature and fuel for diesel engines. If any of these 3 elements fails, the car, inevitably, will not turn on.

To try to understand what is happening and which of these elements is what are not working, it is advisable to rule out, as a first step, if the car has fuel or not. To do this, look at the dashboard of your car if the driver announces the amount of gasoline or diesel (depending on your car engine use) is on and called a tow truck to mobilize immediately and supplying fuel. If you are assured of the Global Auto Plan you can request car service workshop and no cost will get you the fuel you need to turn it on and take it to the nearest fuel.

Another sign that something may be wrong with your vehicle is battery. To find out if this is the cause of the problems in the ignition, you should check if your dick works, or the pilot board lights do as well, if not the battery is fully discharged and it is best to check whether you can load again, but you have to buy a new battery (remember that life does not extend for more than two years).

After this check and the car can be taken to dealer, you need to check vehicle accessories that are not generating overloads or additional battery consumption. Other elements or sub-buffer or accessories such as radios or televisions are generating overloads and abnormal battery consumption.

Other causes

If you check the above options are not causing the problem, you should consult an authorized to know the status of other parts of the vehicle such as the fuel pump workshop, as it is likely to be a failure and therefore the fuel does not reach the engine efficiently. You should also check that it is not a leak, but not so common problem that may be the main cause of all this mess.

If your car has a diesel engine, it is also likely that the glow plugs are not working properly. To find out, start the car and expects the pilot indicating preheating spark goes out. Only then should turn on the vehicle engine.

Whatever the fault, it is best to take the vehicle to get it checked in you can conclude what is happening. Do not try to find the solution yourself, because actions like turning the carriage pushed can jeopardize your security, because by doing this, the engine is not working properly because they need the full engine to operate at its maximum capacity.