Clutch slips or doesn’t engage

Until it is found especially in the displacement direct drive and is due: the existence of oil on the surfaces of friction clutch disc; incorrect set free lift the clutch pedal; decaling compression springs or weakening them; wear sharp friction linings; damage clutch disc; galling bearing pressure; damage rivets fastening friction linings; wear grooves in the hub disc clutch.


The clutch skidding due to the existence of oil on the surface of the disc clutch is due to the penetration of oil in the clutch, due to loss of engine oil on to the floor mainly anointing too heavy bearing pressure or casting of too much oil exchanger gear.


In this case, the friction force shrinks by 40-50%, slipping the clutch.


Failure refers to the situation where free travel is very short or not at all. It finds the sudden acceleration of the engine when the car is moving into direct: if the crankshaft speed increases sharply, but the speed of the car remains almost the same mean clutch slips.


Due to lack of free lift pedal, clutch fork pressed continuously in the bearing pressure, it acts as levers and clutch pressure plate moves away from the clutch disc. As a result, between the two will appear a permanent slip and friction that will result in damage to the gasket.


Drawing of compression springs or weakening them is due to their extended use and overheating. Failure causes the release of pressure plate, clutch disc which allows slip and warm, the phenomenon is similar lack the free lift game.


Slipping clutch of casual wear accented lining from experience that a clutch disc must withstand a turnover average 80,000 km, if it is a normal operation.


However, there are many cases where due cause early improper use of a free racing incorrectly adjusted or weakening due to compression springs.


There are drivers who, on leaving the place and suddenly hit the accelerator more while on a slowly releases the clutch. In such situations friction linings of the clutch disc rub strong pressure plate and flywheel; friction material wears out the lining or it warms up to the limit of carbonization. Another common situation is the attempt to raise short time to the speed of the car, the clutch, strong acceleration and then shifting. The result is spinning disc between the pressure plate and flywheel.


Slipping because of worsening clutch disc failure has the effect of stopping the vehicle or moving very slow speed and is due aging material handling and mounting incorrect or engine flywheel is not centered, brutal braking without the clutch and erection springs too strong. In this situation disrupts the rest of the organs of the motor and transmission.


Slipping clutch bearing pressure due to galling bearing pressure must be at rest at about 2-3 mm of levers clutch pressure plate. To normal wear occurs after about 100,000 km. Always wear occurs due to cleaning the engine and clutch housing with different substances, without previously to have stopped its hole; they get to wear his bearing and produce.


Suppression distance of 2-3 mm to clutch levers (i.e. the pedal free play) result in permanent contact bearing with them and consequently to continue his rotation, which will result in overheating and rapid wear to. A similar phenomenon occurs when waiting at traffic lights and the clutch pedal in the “neutral” and the first floor of the gear engaged.


Failure is accompanied by a noise like whistling tone higher or lower, depending on the intensity of galling.


Damage rivets fastening lining is weakening due rivets, due to the operation of the clutch or installing shocks wrong. Failure occurs gradually and is accompanied by shock and strong metallic noises.


Wear grooves in the clutch disc hub failure is favored by the movement that makes the key when the gear lever is not centered front engine (not made of coaxial input shaft and crankshaft). Failure results in loosening the link between engine and transmission organs and lead to stopping the vehicle.